Here you can find press material on SHOWING STYRIA 2023.

SHOWING STYRIA 2023 deals with biodiversity and climate change with the title "Diversity of Life". The new House of Biodiversity in conjunction with natural sites along the Path of diversity in the Herberstein Animal World, visitors are offered an exciting interactive exhibition on biodiversity. The mobile pavilion is dedicated to climate change with artistic perspectives, among others on the earth's atmosphere.

How does biodiversity come into being? Why is it so important for our existence and what can each individual contribute to the protection of existing ecosystems? This is communicated in the House of Biodiversity and in the natural sites along the path of diversity in a playful, interactive, exciting and sometimes surprising way. 

Nature sites complement the exhibition. They direct the focus to selected aspects within the comprehensive exhibition theme. Integrated into the landscape, the stations highlight habitat diversity, natural networks and the Feistritzklamm‘s natural landscape. A platform high above the Feistritzklamm offers fascinating views of a species-rich and beautiful Styrian landscape.

The exhibition in the pavilion shows young art and the latest research on atmospheres and asks about life-friendly conditions in times of climate change. The atmosphere is the vulnerable shell of the Earth, whose emergence has made the complex diversity of life possible in the first place. Its exploration on earth as well as on exoplanets in space poses the question of the uniqueness of life and sheds light on the fundamental conditions for life.

Galerija DLUL
Breg 22, 1000 Ljubljana
Duration: 30.7.2024 - 18.8.2024

Tehnopark Celje
Gubčeva ulica 1, 3000 Celje
Duration: 21.8.2024 - 29.9.2024
Opening: 21.8.2024, 2 pm

Austrian Cultural Forum New York
11 East 52nd Street, New York
Duration: 14.11.2023 – 7.1.2024

Mobile Pavilion Vienna:
Heldenplatz, Vienna
Duration: 23.03.–03.04.2023

Animal World Herberstein:
Buchberg 50, Stubenberg am See
Duration: 29.04.–05.11.2023.