Art, Climate and Space Research

The exhibition - conceived by Astrid Kury and Alexander Kada for SHOWING STYRIA 2023 - consists of a multimedia installation, which is a testament to the power of art, research and collaboration in addressing the fundamental issues of our time. It invites visitors on an immersive journey through the fields of atmosphere, climate and space exploration.

The exhibition is being presented in co-operation with the Austrian Cultural Forum Ljubljana, the Universalmuseum Joanneum in Graz, the DLUL Gallery in Ljubljana and the Tehnopark Celje in Slovenia.



Galerie DLUL, Breg 22, 1000 Ljubljana
Opening: 18:30, July, 30 2024
July, 30 - August, 18 2024

The exhibition will be opened in Ljubljana by Elisabeth Ellison-Kramer, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria in Slovenia and Marko Mele, Director of Science, Universalmuseum Joanneum Graz. 



Tehnopark Celje, Gubčeva ulica 1, 3000 Celje
Opening: 14:00, August, 21 2024
August, 21 - September, 29 2024

The exhibition will be opened in Celje by Elisabeth Ellison-Kramer, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria in Slovenia, Marko Mele, Director of Science, Universalmuseum Joanneum Graz, Andreja Arjavec, Director Tehnopark Celje (tbc) and Astrid Kury, exhibition curation.